Welcome to my poetry & short stories!


I've been writing poetries. I have recently started writing short stories. It would be pleasure if you read my work.

Best regards,


Ph: 9873762277 (M, Delhi)


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Short Story #4: The Cab Experience

We were six people in company cab, three gentlemen and three ladies – all of us in mid-twenties. But I was the elder-most and the senior-most. Ninety minutes we were waiting to reach our office by sitting in the cab. So, it was three hours both ways that the destiny has asked us to stare at each other every single day. Being good gentlemen, we all knew we needed to respect the ladies.

Coincidentally, all other five members in the cab were Christians. Ever hungry for more knowledge, I sought posing a question to them about this religion. Surprisingly, one of the ladies was not quite familiar with her religion. And she was quite introvert too. Soon, one of us started making fun of her. She didn’t feel nice about this. Seeing her negative body language, one of us started advising her to know more about her religion. But we never knew she was simmering from within. She was getting hurt by our loose comments. We began wondering whether her mood would spill to her work too.

We decided to dab her and explain her that we are her well-wishers. We apologized for any action that might have hurt her. She got further pissed at this. I instantly realized that she was too disturbed by what had happened yesterday. This sense of knowledge gave me the direction to help her. I went to her and asked her to travel back in time. I simply told her that our objective in the first place was to merely share our knowledge so that we can have a fruitful time in the cab. The motive was just to give value to the social element of life. I had told her that we are very fortunate to have someone like her in the cab. Listening to my response, she immediately beamed a huge infectious smile.

If we are clear of our objective, and if we decide to work spiritedly towards attaining, then the short-term impact of the daily details should be ignored.

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