Welcome to my poetry & short stories!


I've been writing poetries. I have recently started writing short stories. It would be pleasure if you read my work.

Best regards,


Ph: 9873762277 (M, Delhi)


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Short Story #3: Just Born

Just born was a baby leopard from her mother in the hot open jungle of Savannah. He slowly lifted his head to see a mirror image in his mother. But he soon saw that she was several times larger and stronger. Also, he realized that he was the only one crying.

Immediately in the wild jungle he was left alone by mother. He had to obey her decision and create a living for self. But being just born, he was not yet empowered with the power of making a decision by self. All he could do was sprint a sublime race with the agility that God had not given to any other creature.

After a year, he realized the vast hunger in his stomach. He needed someone to feed him. But she was not there with him at the need of the hour. Luckily, he soon spotted a fleshy deer strolling lazily just a mile away. Suddenly, he had a desire to run racily towards it and pounce it to make it his first meal. He quickly took charge of his current position and pivoted his eyesight in the direction of that deer. The deer had now got alert and had started running at just a notch lower slower than the leopard. Seeing the deer take top flight, the leopard got a burning desire to go for the kill. Just ask yourself, if you get a desire to accomplish something, will you bother about explaining to others? So, he no longer cared about his mother about this desire, nor did he have enough time to go to find her mother. Instead, he channelized his thoughts on how to make that deer his meat.

After an epic struggle that lasted twenty minutes, he tore apart the flesh of the deer. After having satiated his hunger, he now realized the importance of his desire that was just born. He thanked the God for granting this desire to live.

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