Welcome to my poetry & short stories!


I've been writing poetries. I have recently started writing short stories. It would be pleasure if you read my work.

Best regards,


Ph: 9873762277 (M, Delhi)


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sample Prescription

Sample Prescription

At 8 in the morning on a fine dusk Sunday, sitting on my wooden chair, with my rest reclining nicely upon it, I am brooding whether to read the day’s newspaper or not. These days, newspaper and such lifeless things are my only pals! So, merely because of lack of any other options, I decide to visit my balcony and pick the nicely bundled newspaper. These days, they have hundreds of additional pages to lift the marketing of various advertisers, which makes the size of the 24-page newspaper look like 124-page dossier! No wonder there are a couple of rubberbands to bind together all those remaining 100 pages of baseless information. So, I had the added requirement to remove the rubberbands from the newspaper. After I did that, my eyes got transfixed on how there are so many self-psychotherapy schools and libraries opening in Europe and USA and other such highly developed nations. Ok, I understand that people can fall prey to depression and such useless things in their tumultuous lives at any instant. It could happen to Indians too. But, to open muted schools and libraries abroad to offer self-help to those requiring psycho-therapic treatment is a bit too much. Their method of madly opening some pages from a book and narrating to the patient and giving him bundles of advise is both non-humane and ineffective. What they need is something totally different.

Sorry if I sound like a journalist thus far. But I promise the remaining piece is anything but plain narration. So, watch out.

Once, my brother was suffering from upset stomach and high fever. Swine Flu and Malaria were rampant in those days. At this, I decided to give him my own dose of psycho-therapic treatment. First, I asked him what had caused his ill health. He immediately it was because of him coming in touch with an infected Swine Flu patient and his eating stale food at the previous night’s marriage function. Listening to him, I immediately suggested him to eat his favorite spicy delicacy “Aloo Tikki”. He got distracted by my suggestion, and found it really tempting! No wonder his health and depressed mind became normal the next day itself.

Did he actually eat the Aloo Tikki? Well, how do I know? But he surely eats Aloo Tikki every month. This gives him a belief that eating it will keep him away from diseases! What a transformation a free yet funny advice can make to a human being.

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