Welcome to my poetry & short stories!


I've been writing poetries. I have recently started writing short stories. It would be pleasure if you read my work.

Best regards,


Ph: 9873762277 (M, Delhi)


Friday, May 28, 2010

Tear Across To Progress

Breaking the barrier of his self-struggle and slow moving rubble

Fearlessly he takes the measure of conditions yet would stumble.

Timing and resonance are no longer symbolic of his array

All his preparations, plans and ploys are ascending away.

He is desperately searching for that moment that will spark his signature

And give him that moment making him think the world is miniature.

He begins to look for his lost touch by opting for an arduous adventure

And gives himself a heavy task of drawing inspiration from every creature.

He will dig deep into the reasons for his failure so pure

Yet he will also preserve his strengths that will do him cure.

The fist pump and his enormous emotional will to succeed

Precision of a surgeon and accuracy he will notably need.

Suddenly he recalls he has too much variety and too much flair

Strikingly, he knows it’s time to take a notch ahead and end his despair.

The confidence now sky high and his flight having been regained

He tears the tight ribbon across the cell in which he had remained.

The front of a quilt that had looked to him monstrous as a mountain

The kind of off-color he was where his attempts seemed to have no gain.

Now, the coverage resumes tomorrow at 13 hours GMT on your favorite channel

Now you rate his present performance, no please bring the entire panel.

V For We

A man with scarf staying on top of sweater looks like smart stuff.
Posing with a cigarette circling heavy smoke and a lot of puff.

Deep embroiled in thoughts is all for everyone around to see.

Cigar between his first finger and middle giving his hand a shape like V.

On opposite end is a woman with a face built like V.
Rays coming from her mouth channel out like V.

Freeing a bird with her hasty hands, now the bird from far looks like V.

A human spirit she is singing song with her neck now shaping like V.

On the opposite end was this man standing in front of a valley shaped like V.

He was occupied with self summersault - now his inverted legs shaped like V.

On the other opposite was woman staring at a sand hill like an inverted V.

She was electrifying the environment everywhere with a smile broad like V.

When the V of the man unites with the V of this woman,

very vast void of his listless life gets going with wonderful woman.

Exuberance will result when he realizes the unison of V with V.

His hand headed for harmonizing hers to form a different kind of V.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


In radiant rays of light
Azure Air of magical sky in our sight
Fearless Fire having harsh heat
The wonderful wide Water.

The Essence of Earth...are all so bright
Quintessence is so subtle and light
yet felt with such might
That none of Air, Fire, Water or Earth can bear it's light.

A deft delicately poised phase it has
One being the Satanic strife
The other the innate intimate Love-
The Saga of life.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Vroom Mauritius...

Vroom Mauritius!!!

Hey ya all leaps-behind daring guys stop pause energise eagerly your ravenous senses
Yummily yearn new wet teeming glaring gung-ho ocean-ordeal lives spring glances…

…At your faces facing fishes filled with frolic n fulsome fun
…At your eyes eyeing enormous eels with electric élan

…At your camera chasing cotton-like corals from above the colored waters
…At your senses stimulating ‘selves with the presence of sea-shells in sea-shores

…At your dreams to watch dolphins dance in the dawn of Splendid Saturday morning
…At your moods that finally decide to catch mega marlins in tiring big fish hunting

…At your overt fears from seeing stunning shape n size of O-shaped Octopus
…At your steamy speed boats booming with wild noise running at nine nautical miles

Leaflet of offer from bending birch

Birch tree had given birth to a bud.
From its twig had tweaked a letter-like
leaf having no need first like murky mud.
Then it became safe harbor for insects.

And constant inspiration for painters
because of constantly changing colors!
But now wearing rusty russet ready to fall.
It was wearing green, but not now.

But the artful autumn must bear some
message to typify it's coming of age.
So, leaflet left out of this listless leaf
offered a letter to make my life better.

I have not known you well, but what I do
know enrapts me, like a song sung far away.
I can't listen to words yet, but what they
say dangles softly on haven where I must go.

I see you furtively, flushing, your spirit full everywhere.
I note the sheen of your lustrous hair and wish I smiled with your smiles.

The Daring Matador

The first moment asks me if I can wait 20 minutes.

The next asks me if I can wait half of it - 10 minutes.

The third asks me if I can wait further half of it - 5 minutes.

Those twenty minutes are akin to the biggest bar.

Those ten minutes are akin to the bigger bar.

Those five minutes are akin to the smallest bar.

Imagine your ego that started with the size of the smallest bar.

Imagine next after an accomplishment it assumed the size of the bigger bar.

Imagine next after another accomplishment it assumed the size of the biggest bar.

Mightily mistaken you’d be to let your ego earn a chance to try better the biggest bar.

In the bullfighting backdrop of brave Spain, sounds of stage one can be heard.

The fierce fight, egged on by plentiful people around the Madrid matador can be heard.

The matador observes this bulky bull and attempts to arrange an attack with lances.

Enter stage two the time when the matador makes way for aides who now take stances.

They keep hurting the bull with many a barbed stick and the matador gleefully glances.

Soon shows-up stage three where the matador must meet his match-up with this beaten bull.

Risking his human condition he readies for final move most required to kill it in full.

However, this risk turns out too big for him to pull as the bull renders him dead and dull.

The entire stadium that had come to see the biased brutal blot of this bull…

…now enters a period of quiet lull.

A Poetry Called Life

Knocking at the doors of every budding person is a life

A life that promises to be full of virtues and a diverse array of gains

Then we slowly learn that it needs to be harnessed with lots of preparation and strife

That we need to tread it with caution and take into stride a lot of pains

He then takes those pains as a part of challenge, and tries to overcome those

For a certain portion of life, he battles it gamely, as did David over Goliath

At this, his peers and those around him give him praises quite verbose

Yes, he even achieves victory over half his hurdles, as did David over Goliath

Now, that time has gone past as fast as a hurricane sweeping the mortals’ toes

He suddenly finds grappling with a giant greater much greater than Goliath

At this, he wants someone to share his travails and to share his stocks of woes

That someone, someone should understand him every moment and take a dip in his bath

But, just like a magnetic attraction for someone that is felt by him,

There is an equally opposite force trying to keep him away from that elusive one

He suddenly realizes that life needs to be lived each and every moment by him

And not just ignore those moments that strike him with fangs of pains not bygone

The next portion of life, though not significant in practicality, but a scorching one,

Is spent in finding for that elusive partner

His each and every nerve, feeling, sentiment, tendon, muscle, and bone,

Is spent in finding for that elusive partner who will like to go with him for a saunter

I have seen my eyes see smoke burning from them

I have seen my breath tremble with fear at times to search for that elusive one

I wonder how much power has the Almighty conferred on me to fight such mayhem

It makes me wonder no it leaves me consumed and with a stun

And then suddenly she is there in front of you, defying all logic and whatevers

Ready to look into your soul and search and rummage through all the chunks of distress

All those chunks of negative distress that had been blocking inside his chest

And all those chunks of positive distress that he had wanted to share with her

In a nutshell, he now got his remaining huge portion of life to spend with her

In a mellifluous manner and in a cozy comfortable fashion with her

Someone was absent yesterday, today her presence brought tears of joy in him

Life was knocking on the doors, and he certainly got it, subsuming all emotions in him.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Fly fly fly when you get wings into the deep sky…
…without any limits you launch yourself forgetting all shy.
Typically, the throng delves into the painful past or the fearful future…
…slowly slipping into a long loop of unpreparedness that is none less than a butcher.

Unpreparedness it is for their inability to enjoy the present
Present is prime which will lead you to discover the dash that God has sent.
You can choose to find boundaries and live limitedly less within those…
…or, optimistically opt to enjoy endlessly within these boundaries.

Take the situation sitting sumptuously sipping coffee in a cafeteria.
Take yourself to a scene surrounded with bustling brouhaha.
Watch the umpteen bystanders in a queue with their one hand having newspaper…
…the other peeping in weighty wallet ready to collect coffee in a canter.

Then watch why they had to stoop so low to pick the daily newspaper…
Sniffing at newspaper, queuing up for brew, rushing into wallet - what’s the matter?
So busy are they that they think they can defer enjoying the present to later.
You slowly sip your coffee that had thus far been housed in a crimson cup…

…eventually emptying into lips while you rest on couch without a hiccup.
Now you smell the cinnamon chocolate chestnut and all fruity flavors
Now you are enjoying each moment this feeling felt not by others.
Now you are also always constantly comparing the ‘present’ of present with past & future.

Now you realize that to get into the right spirits is the unfolding of this ‘present’.